Here Comes the Hatasu/e-Bikes Invasion - Boon or Bane?

There are new kings of the road as we see on our streets today, they are called e-bikes, or in our city Zamboanga, the "Hatasus",  getting the name from the company that first popularized it in the market.

Most recently, LGU's in Manila have downright taken the issue of e-bikes proliferating in their main streets, as e-bikes are yet to be regulated by the Land Transportation Office (LTO), with the main issue of what kind of automative vehicle it would be classified - Gasoline or Fuel-Cell?

Such is the evolution of our transportation landscape.

As it is, the proliferation of Hatasus in our city streets speaks of economic upturn as the populace need for transport increases exponentially. The e-bike gives a comfortable ride than a single motorcycle and definitely its cheaper than four-wheel taxis.

But One  Big Issue is the humongous traffic it would cause. So give or take - It is a boon or a bane?

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